How to Pack Artwork

March 1, 2021

How to Pack Artworka grey background with a white square and a black square

When you have artwork, regardless of whether this is a piece you paid hundreds for or artwork that holds sentimental value, you need to know how to pack artwork when you are moving. Improperly packed artwork can easily be damaged when moving.

Materials Need to Pack Artwork

There are going to be a few materials that you are going to need to pack artwork that you may not readily have on hand. These materials include:

  • Boxes in multiple sizes
  • Masking tape
  • Brown packing paper
  • Bubble wrap
  • Packing tape

Steps for How to Pack Artwork

  1. Find the right size box that is going to fit your artwork. Tip: you can group small and medium sized artworks together, but larger artworks should have their own box to ensure safety.
  2. Take your masking tape and pace an “X” across the glass of artwork that is framed. This will help to secure the glass to avoid this shattering or breaking when it is moved. If you the artwork is not framed, you need to protect the artwork itself. You will find that you can wrap this with plastic wrap that you have sitting in the kitchen to keep it safe.
  3. Lay down the brown packing paper and lay the artwork onto this, glass side down. Wrap the ends of the paper around the frame, like you would if wrapping a present during the holidays. Once completely packed in packing paper, then repeat the same process with the bubble wrap. Do not use newspaper in this step! Newspaper ink can easily transfer to artwork when wrapped.
  4. Place this wrapped artwork into the moving box that you selected. Be sure to test this box for movement. If there is any movement you can add crumbled newspaper to the box, extra hand towels, or other soft items that are meant to ensure this is packed tighter.
  5. Seal the box shut and be sure to write “Fragile” on this box, with the word “Artwork” for your movers to know that this box needs to be handled with care. Also consider writing on the box what room this needs to go to at your new home, to make this move organized.

Viola! You have packed your artwork to be moved. For those who feel like they do not have the time to properly do this, remember that here at American Moving we also offer packing services, and this does including packing artwork for our customers.

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