How to Pack a Messy House

February 15, 2021

How to Pack a Messy Housea grey background with a white square and a black square

If you have a messy house, then you know that when it comes time to move, it may seem as though you are in over your head. Where do you start packing when your house is messy? Maybe you are dealing with tons of clutter due to not having enough space this may even be the reason that you are moving. When it comes to how to pack a messy house, there are several steps that you are going to need to follow!

Steps for How to Pack a Messy House

The first, and maybe the most important step to remember, is that you need to organize the home before you even start to pack. Remember, there is no reason that you should pack items that you truly do not want to take with you. Through organizing the home first, you are going to be able to declutter along the way.

A few extra tips to help with this decluttering process include:

  • Abide by the 1 year rule. If you have not used the item or worn it in one year, then it is time to give it away or trash it.
  • Have 3 piles when you are organizing. One pile is to help you donate items, one pile for items that you want to keep, and one other pile for the items that need to be trashed.
  • Start with one room at a time. When you are dealing with a messy house, you are going to find that having individual goals of one room at a time, it becomes much more manageable.
  • Check out our other organizational tips.

The next steps to remember in the process of how to pack a messy house include:

Step 2: Pack room by room

This goes right with organizing room by room. You will have more control of the situation and feel like you are getting more done, which you will be. Remember, if you are truly not wanting to pack, American Moving has professional packers that can come into your home and pack these items for you. This is a great option for those who may be on a time crunch for completing their move. American Moving not only has professional movers and storage solutions but packing services to make any move easier, even for those who have a messy house.

Step 3: Make sure that you are labeling boxes

You will find it much easier to avoid a messy house in your new home when you have a location for everything that is being moved into the new home. And since you took the time to organize the home, you are going to find that this is something that will carry over into your new home.

Messy House? Remember, Don’t Panic!

When you are gearing up for a move and you do have a messy house, the one thing that you do not want to do is to panic. Remember, start slow with smaller goals for organizing and decluttering. And don’t be afraid to call for professional help. In these situations, a messy house is often conquered when you have more hands on deck to help with this process!

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