Declutter in the Fall-How to Donate this Holiday Season

October 10, 2017

Declutter in the Fall-How to Donate this Holiday Seasona grey background with a white square and a black square

The perfect time to simplify and clean out clutter is just ahead of a big move. What better way to clean out your wardrobe, bookshelf, garage space, or kitchen than to create a worthy donation to a local cause?

At American Moving, we believe it's never too early to get into the holiday spirit and never a bad time to give back to the community and those in need.

If you would like to donate but don't know where to start, we've put together a few simple tricks to trim down on your gently used goods.

Track Your Usage

This tip applies to anything from clothes to silverware. It's as simple as consciously noticing what you tend to use on a regular basis and which items in your home are collecting dust.

In your closet, for example, the best way to gauge what you wear is by reorganizing your closet. Hang everything up, and as you wear and wash items, re-hang them on the left side of your closet. Each time you hang an item, place it on the far left side and continue adding exclusively to that side of your closet. After a few months, the clothes on the right will generally be what you wear the least since those on the left will be the ones worn, washed, and hung most recently. From there, decide whether you're willing to let go of those items left untouched, and begin to build a donation pile. To choose other items, take a look at your favorite pieces and check for any light wear or damage that you'd consider replacing. Of course, no one wants a torn or pilling sweater, but a fly-away thread here and here isn't hurting anyone.

This applies to other areas of your home too. If you find yourself choosing the same towels and sheets over and over while others collect dust in the back of the linen closet, consider donating those items to a family in need. Unused canned foods, excess kitchen items, and used books and movies are also great gifts to give back.

Finding a Cause

Even if you can't name the nearest Salvation Army donation center or upcoming food drive off the top of your head, worthy causes are not hard to find in Denver. Whether you give through your child’s next school-run program, church, community group, or find your own volunteering opportunity, our biggest ally in targeting a cause this season lies in the power of the Internet and social media. If you're struggling to pin down exactly how or where to donate used items, simply ask your feels-hundred Facebook friends or do a quick Google search when waiting for your coffee in the morning. Opportunities are at our fingertips in 2017!

After you've finished de-cluttering your home and are ready to prepare for moving day, contact our friendly experts at American Moving to plan and execute your big move at the right price for you.

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