College Move-In Day: What you Don’t Need

September 28, 2017

College Move-In Day: What you Don’t Needa grey background with a white square and a black square

Tips from American Moving

As classes begin across the country, college freshmen are experiencing their first taste of life away from home. Despite the late-summer marketing pushes from big-name superstores about what essentials and accessories your student needs to succeed this year, some of those items are not as important as one might think.

Of course, we want our kids to be prepared for the challenges of university life, from making new friends to killing it in the classroom. Here’s a list of five common dorm items that can be crossed off before you even grab the shopping cart:

1. Mini fridge

This one’s on the top of our list for a few reasons, and the first is that a mini-fridge is often already supplied by the university. If not, there are only a few reasons your student might actually need one for their dorm room. However, with improving nutrition and hefty meal plans often required by large schools for first-year students, their needs will often be taken care of by the nearest dining hall—perishable items and all. Plus, it’s best to keep dry goods only in a dorm room, especially when residence halls are already known for mysterious smells and easily transmitted winter-season viruses.

2. Headboard

This is a fairly new trend, but it’s popping up everywhere. Installing a custom headboard, whether ordered online or hand-made, to your newly minted scholar’s dorm bed is an expense easily spared. Our recommendation is to use that extra cash to make the bed itself more comfortable, whether it be through more substantial bedding and pillows or a mattress pad and cover. In college, a good night’s sleep is far more important than excess personalization and flair.

3. Ikea-like furniture

The bottom line is that a dorm room has most, if not all, the furniture a student needs (except maybe extra dancing space, that is). Most rooms come furnished with a bed that will loft if needed, a desk, chair, lamp, dresser, and closet space. The best investments for extra storage space often lie in temporary or rolling plastic drawers, storage bins, or collapsible shelves. Save any wood or metal furniture for sophomore year and beyond.

4. Excess Wall Decor

Chances are, your student is about to grow and change. Their first year of school may lead them to new interests, opportunities, and fresh insight about who they’re meant to be and what they want to pursue. Aside from important family photos or their favorite band poster, save any decorative purchases after move-in. After all, their ideas of how to fill their space will usually not come until they’re actually living in it.

American Moving is here for all your residential moving needs. Give us a call today to schedule a service.

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