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a grey background with a white square and a black square10 Ways to Make Your Move Less Stressful
October 11, 2021
10 Ways to Make Your Move Less Stressful

You have a date for your move you know what you need to do for your move, but you are still feeling the stress of your move. That is understandable! Moving is ranked as one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. And if you look at the stats that show that the average person moves 11 times in their life...that makes for a series of stressful moves that you may not be looking forward to having. The key when moving is to look for ways to make your move less stressful. Luckily, we have the top ten ways that people are enjoying a stress-free move!

Top 10 Methods To Make Your Move Less Stressful

1. Get professional help.

This is the best tip to help you lower your stress level when it comes time to move. Here at American Moving, not only can we handle the physical moving of your items to your new home, but we have full-service professional packers that can also come into your home and pack this up, ready to go. We take away all the hard work that is associated with moving, which greatly lowers your stress!

2. Have an organized moving plan.

Having a moving plan that outlines what you need to do, what needs to be packed, items to be donated, and other items ensures that you are more organized. No one wants to feel like they are running from here to there and not getting anything done...a moving plan ensures you have a plan of attack.

3. Design room-by-room checklists for moving.

Once you have your moving plan, take this plan and create checklists for each room. This will give you something tangible to check off and keep you on target for your moving date.

4. Don’t forget to take some downtime.

There is nothing worse than feeling as though you have to be packing on the hours that you are not working or doing something else. This can lead to burnout that is going to lead to even more stress. Factor in some downtime, even if this is nothing more than ordering dinner on nights that you are packing!

5. Make sure that you are getting plenty of sleep.

It can be tempting to work until the early hours of the morning, sleep for a few hours, and get back to it. But, this increases your stress level and can lead to tons of accidents and injuries. Sleep is not something that you need to sacrifice when you are moving.

6. Consider moving on an unpopular day.

How will this help your stress? Unpopular moving days are often going to give you more affordable rates and let’s face it, part of the stress of moving is the expense that comes with doing this.

7. Create a labeling system for your goods.

Labeling properly takes more time when packing, but it is a must-do for your move! Take the extra time to label these boxes so that when you unpack, your stress levels are not going to skyrocket.

8. Use packing hacks out there to make things easier.

If you google packing hacks, you are going to find tons of things to consider. These are hacks meant to make it easier to pack your items and lower your stress. And if you don’t want to take the time to search these hacks yourself, then be sure to follow us on social media for tips and hacks that you can use!

9. Be prepared for what moving entails.

One of the best ways to make your move less stressful, you are going to find that if you are prepared for what moving will entail, you will handle it better. You need to accept that weather could be an issue, that without proper planning, the move is going to be less than great. Basically, have a sit down with yourself, and get your mind in the right position.

10. Start small.

When you are packing up your home for a move and have opted to do this on your own, then start small. This is a great tip that is going to help you keep your patience and help to manage your expectations.

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a grey background with a white square and a black square6 Fun Facts About Moving
September 27, 2021
6 Fun Facts About Moving

When you think of moving, the term “fun” often doesn’t come to mind. However, there are tons of facts about moving that often surprise people. So, for a little entertainment, be sure to check out these fun facts about moving!

1. How long does a move take? The average move takes over 6 hours! This makes sense as it takes time to pack your belongings, and then time for your professional movers to move these items onto the moving truck and take this to your new home.

2. Moving is considered one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. It is even ranked higher than the death of a loved one or getting fired from your employment. This means that moving is super stressful!

3. The number one reason for moving is to relocate for family reasons. This may mean the addition of a new family member or even being closer to certain family members.

4. What is the most popular day to move? Friday! This day is often the end of the workweek, giving you the entire weekend to get your new home in order, so it makes sense that Friday is the most popular day to move.

5. Fun fact, a lot of moves, around 46% of these, are going to be those who are staying in the same county as they are in, just moving into a larger home or a new neighborhood.

6. The average American is going to move around 11 times in their lifetime! Do you fit into this category?

While these are some great fun facts about moving, when it comes to the actual move, it is normal to feel some trepidation, anxiety, and stress from this move. After all, it is one of the top stressors that a person can deal with. The key to managing this is to work with the right professionals. American Moving are those professionals to work with! Whether you decide to move on a Friday or a Monday, during the busy season or not, 25 miles down the road or across the state, we can get it done for you!

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a grey background with a white square and a black squareMoving in the Fall? 3 Tips to Keep in Mind
September 13, 2021
Moving in the Fall? 3 Tips to Keep in Mind

It is that time of year again, and many people are moving in the Fall! Leaves are starting to turn yellow, red, and orange. Shops are serving Pumpkin Spice everything! We see people walking around with light jackets on, and in the mornings sometimes we can feel the crispness in the air. Fall is right around the corner. Many people view September 1st as the start of Fall, while others use the astronomical start of Fall as September 22nd. Either way, if you have a move planned in the upcoming couple of months, these tips are for you!

3 Tips for Moving in the Fall

  1. Make it safer for the professional movers and yourself by ensuring that leaves are not scattered everywhere. You will find that wet leaves on walkways can be a recipe for disaster! They become slick and often when moving can cause falls. Plus, do you want wet leaves tracked throughout your home? No! Instead, be sure that these are raked up and off of the walkway.
  2. Be prepared with weather-related items on hand. For example, have a broom ready to go if the wind kicks up and all those leaves start to come into your home or pile up on the walkways. Keep old towels or plastic ready to put onto the floor in case it starts to rain, the same can be said for keeping an umbrella close as well!
  3. Dress appropriately. When Fall strikes, the weather can be anything from a mild summer day to a wet and cold day. You need to dress in a way that will allow for it all. Light layers are a great option so you can always remove a layer if you get too warm, then add the layer back when you get cold. When moving in the Fall, light layers are the key to comfort!

Let Us Help With Your Fall Move

Whether you are moving to get closer to your place of employment, your lease has ended and are looking for a change, or you are upgrading to a larger home, we are here to help. American Moving is here to ensure that your Fall move happens without a hitch. We are a full-service moving company that can provide it all for you this does include packing everything and moving it in our trucks to your new location. Call us today for a free quote!

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a grey background with a white square and a black squareHow Soon Before Moving to Start Packing
August 30, 2021
How Soon Before Moving to Start Packing

When you know a move is in your future, you may be asking how soon before moving to start packing your belongings? The answer will vary according to the size of your house, but to put it into perspective think about this…if you were to be going on vacation, would you start to pack the night before your flight or would you do these several days in advance? Chances are, you are going to pack a few days before this vacation. So, with that in mind, it would make sense that in order to move your entire house...it is going to take more than just a few days before the moving date to get packed up and ready to go!

How Soon Before Moving to Start Packing: A Timeline

The biggest tip to remember when it comes to how soon before moving to start packing is that it is never too early to start packing! The sooner that you start, the more organized the entire move can be. Plus, if you wait too long to start packing you are going to find that your stress levels are going to go through the roof!

Ideally, people start packing for their move at least four weeks prior to the moving date. However, there may be times in which you need more time than this, such as when you have a fairly large home with numerous bedrooms. Also consider that this is the time that you can get rid of items that you no longer need, which reduces how much the movers have to move for you...which is always a good thing to do before any move!

Tips to Make Packing Smoother

There are tons of tips out there about packing up your home for your move including tips on how to declutter, how to pack fragile items, and so forth. For the purpose of this though we are going to focus on the actual process and tips that can make the packing process organized and easier for you.

  1. Create a packing calendar. This is more than just circling the date on the calendar for when the movers are going to be at your home. This calendar should have detailed ideas on what rooms to pack when. For example, if you were to be moving on September 27th, maybe you put onto the calendar that on September 2nd you will be packing up the garage.
  2. Always start packing those areas of your home that are not used as much first. You will find that this will allow you to start earlier, and you are not going to feel the pain of having items packed up that you still need to use. With this being said, the kitchen and bathroom are those areas that need to be packed closer to your moving date.
  3. Make sure that you have all the packing supplies on hand so you don’t have to stop to get more of these supplies. Start with a variety of boxes, packing tape, labels, packing paper, and markers.

For those who know that they want to move in the near future, be sure to call American Moving & Storage for all your moving and storage needs. Plus, we offer free quotes, have great reviews from real customers, and are ready to get to work for you!

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a grey background with a white square and a black squareWhy Full Time Movers Are Better than Contractors
August 17, 2021
Why Full Time Movers Are Better than Contractors

If you are gearing up for a move, you are going to find that there are tons of services out there to help with this move. One of the biggest decisions to make is whether to hire full-time movers or hire a contractor? The best option is full-time movers.

Why Full Time Movers Are Better?

You will find that there are several contractors out there that offer tons of services, including moving. They may state that they do it all from packing and moving to installing a new floor in your home or even painting a home. But, do you want someone who states that they can do your move, or work with professional movers that are moving experts?

With professional movers here at American Moving, you are going to get:

  1. A dedicated person to handle the entire move, even when you call for a quote, someone will be assigned to your file to ensure that everything is handled as it should be.
  2. A certain number of movers will be sent on the day of your move to ensure that this move gets handled in a timely manner. The number of movers will be based on the size of your move.
  3. We are insured and licensed to move people in and around the state of Colorado, outside the state and even handle overseas moves.
  4. We have years of experience in moving residential and commercial properties with amazing ratings from those who have worked with us.
  5. We have all the equipment to move your items with thought, ease, and professionalism.

All of these aspects add up to full-time movers being the better option for your move when compared to contractors who may not have the years of experience or the licensing and insurance that is needed.

What Could Happen By Choosing Contractors?

There are several things that could happen to your move if you decide to go with a contractor or through those websites that offer helpers for a day when it comes to moving. One of the biggest drawbacks is the amount that you have spent on this moving helper. You will find that when you add in the cost of renting your own tools to help with a move, the truck, and then paying the contractor, it would have been cheaper to choose full-time movers. Secondly, if you find that items are damaged by this contractor, chances are the damage is on you.

If you are serious about moving soon and want the professionals to handle this move to make it easier and safer, then you need to call us here at American Moving. Whether you are moving down the street or several states away, we have the professionals to handle it!

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a grey background with a white square and a black squareHow to Properly Pack Your Pictures
August 2, 2021
How to Properly Pack Your Pictures

The pictures throughout your home are treasured memories of fun times, kids as they age, older family members who may be gone from this world, and your visual family history. For this reason, learning how to properly pack your pictures is essential so that they arrive in one piece at your new location. We have a few do’s and don'ts that can help with this process so that you are not losing any of these precious memories.

The Do’s and Don’ts to Properly Pack Your Pictures

If you have read our how to on packing artwork, you will find that there are a lot of similarities between artwork and pictures. After all, both types require a bit more than throwing it in a box and hoping for the best. Here are the things that you do NOT want to do:

  • Do not pack pictures to put these into storage units that are not climate controlled. You will find that heat can melt the pictures, make them stick to the glass, and ultimately ruin them.
  • Do not be stingy with the packing paper...use as much as needed to help pack this.

Here are some items that you want to do when packing pictures:

  • Make sure that you are using masking tape to make an X on the glass to add some protection to this frame while moving.
  • Add some extra reinforcement by placing a sheet of cardboard over the glass in this picture frame for moving.
  • Wrap the entire frame and picture in packing paper, then secure this around it.
  • Do consider using special picture boxes that are designed to cushion the frame and picture even more.

What if you are packing loose pictures that you have not gotten around to framing or putting into a photo book? Then it changes it up a bit. You will find that loose pictures can get a lot of damage to them during a move. What we would recommend is to:

  1. Take some time and place these loose pictures into a photo book. You will find that this is the safest method for moving these, as the pictures are secured in books designed to preserve these.
  2. Do not place loose pictures into Ziploc bags as these pictures can easily stick together and get ruined.
  3. Make sure that you have digital backups when are moving loose pictures, as accidents can happen to these delicate pieces of paper.

When you are ready to move, be sure that you have called American Moving for all your moving needs. We have professionals who can come in and pack your entire home/apartment/condo for you, and then handle the heavy lifting of moving. We are a full-service moving company meant to make your move ten times easier!

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a group of men standing in front of a house

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With American Moving & Storage, you're not just relocating; you're progressing towards a new chapter. Entrust us with the logistics while you enjoy the thrill of your new beginning.