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a grey background with a white square and a black squarePack Like a Pro: Efficient Strategies for a Smooth Transition
March 4, 2024
Pack Like a Pro: Efficient Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Pack Like a Pro: Efficient Strategies for a Smooth Transition

Moving to a new home is an adventure, but let's be honest: packing can feel like a daunting task. However, with the right strategies in place, this process can be simplified, making your move smoother and less stressful. As the proud owner of American Moving & Storage, a leading full-service moving company based in Denver, Colorado.

Getting Started: Laying the Groundwork for Efficient Packing

Before you dive into wrapping and boxing up your life, establishing a solid foundation is crucial. This section will cover the importance of starting early, creating a systematic packing plan, and gathering all the essential supplies you'll need.

The Importance of Starting Early

One of the biggest mistakes people make when moving is underestimating how much time packing will take. Starting early – ideally, a month before your move – can significantly reduce last-minute stress and allow you to pack systematically.

Creating a Systematic Packing Plan

A well-thought-out packing plan is your roadmap to a successful move. Begin by creating a schedule and setting realistic goals for each day or week leading up to the move. This could involve packing up one room at a time or tackling specific categories of items.

Essential Packing Supplies You’ll Need

Having the right tools for the job can make a huge difference. Here's a basic list of packing supplies you'll need:

  • Sturdy boxes of various sizes
  • Packing tape
  • Bubble wrap and packing paper
  • Permanent markers for labeling
  • Furniture covers and moving blankets

Understanding What You’re Working With: Inventory and Decluttering

Before you start filing boxes, it's vital to take stock of what you have. This step is not just about knowing the number of glasses or the number of books you own; it's about making conscious decisions on what deserves space in your new home.

Making an Inventory of Your Belongings

Start by creating a room-by-room inventory. Document everything from the smallest knick-knacks to large pieces of furniture. This might seem tedious, but it serves multiple purposes: it helps you organize, aids in determining moving insurance, and simplifies unpacking.

The Art of Decluttering Before a Move

Moving is the perfect opportunity to declutter. As you inventory, ask yourself: Do I use this? Do I love it? Do I need it? If the answer is no, it’s time to let go. Decluttering reduces your load, potentially decreases moving costs, and gives you a fresh start in your new space.

Selling, Donating, and Disposing of Unwanted Items

For items you decide not to keep, consider if they're in a sellable condition. Online marketplaces and yard sales are great for this. Donating to local charities is another excellent option, offering your items a second life where they can be appreciated anew. Lastly, responsibly dispose of items that are neither sellable nor donate-able.

Box It Up: Selecting and Preparing Your Boxes

The right box can mean the difference between an heirloom arriving intact or in pieces. Let's ensure everything makes it safely to your new home.

Choosing the Right Boxes for Different Items

  • Small boxes: Ideal for heavy items like books or canned goods.
  • Medium boxes: Good for mixing items from different rooms, ensuring they aren't too heavy to lift.
  • Large boxes: Best for lightweight, bulky items like linens and pillows.
  • Specialty boxes: Dish packs, wardrobe boxes, and mirror packs are designed for specific items, offering extra protection.

Room-by-Room Guide to Efficient Packing

Tackling your packing room by room not only makes the task more manageable but also ensures nothing gets overlooked. Let's dive into some specific strategies for each key area of your home.

Tips for Packing the Kitchen

The kitchen is often the most daunting room to pack because of the delicate items and odd-shaped appliances.

  • Fragile Items: Use bubble wrap and packing paper to protect dishes, glasses, and other fragile items. Plate packers and glass packers can be invaluable here.
  • Appliances: If you've kept them, original boxes are ideal for packing appliances. Otherwise, ensure each item is clean, dry, and wrapped in bubble wrap.

Strategies for the Living Room

From electronics to decorative items, the living room contains a mix of items with varying packing needs.

  • Electronics: Take photos of your setup before disconnecting to make re-assembly easier. Use original boxes if available or pack them securely in boxes lined with bubble wrap.
  • Books and Decorations: Pack books flat to avoid damaging their spines. Wrap decorations individually and mark these boxes as fragile.

Bedroom Packing Made Easy

Your sanctuary requires special attention, especially for personal items and clothing.

  • Clothes: Use wardrobe boxes to hang clothes directly from your closet. Roll other clothes to save space and avoid wrinkles.
  • Mattresses: Invest in mattress bags to protect them during the move.

Bathroom Packing Checklist

Bathrooms have fewer items but don't overlook the need to prevent leaks and spills.

  • Toiletries: Seal caps with tape and pack in zip-lock bags to prevent spills.
  • Medicines: Keep important medications in a clearly labeled, easily accessible box.

Special Considerations for Unique or Valuable Items

For artworks, antiques, and other valuables, consider custom crating and professional packing services to ensure their safety during transport.

The Packing Process: Techniques and Tips

Now that you've got a room-by-room strategy, here are some general packing tips to make your move even smoother.

Best Packing Methods for Space and Safety

  • Use all available space: Nest smaller items inside larger ones. Fill pots with spices, for instance.
  • Heavier items on the bottom: Always keep heavier items at the bottom of the box to prevent damage.

Creative Packing Hacks

  • Clothes as padding: Use clothes or linens as padding for fragile items.
  • Egg cartons for jewelry: Small items like earrings and rings can be safely transported in egg cartons.

Labeling: The Key to Organization

Label each box with its contents and the room it's destined for. Additionally, marking boxes that contain fragile items will ensure they are handled with care.

How to Pack an "Essentials Box"

Pack a box with items you'll need immediately upon arrival at your new home things like toiletries, snacks, a change of clothes, and basic tools.

With American Moving & Storage by your side and these efficient packing strategies, you're well on your way to a seamless move. 

Keeping Track: Inventory Management and Checklists

Successfully managing your move involves more than just efficiently packing your belongings. Keeping track of everything through inventory management and utilizing checklists can drastically streamline the process, ensuring that nothing gets lost or forgotten. Here’s how you can keep everything organized and under control from start to finish.

Creating a Detailed Inventory List for Tracking

Creating a detailed inventory list is one of the most effective strategies for managing your move. This list should include every item you plan to move, categorized by room and box. Here's why it's crucial:

  • Accountability: An inventory acts as a record of all your possessions, ensuring nothing gets lost.
  • Insurance purposes: Should anything be damaged during the move, having a detailed inventory can simplify the claim process with your movers or insurance company.
  • Unpacking: An inventory can help prioritize your unpacking process, allowing you to find essential items quickly.

Using Apps and Checklists for Efficient Packing and Moving

Leveraging technology can significantly enhance efficiency during your move. Several apps are designed to assist with inventory management, creating checklists, and even designing the layout of your new home. Here are some benefits of using these tools:

  • Convenience: Mobile apps allow you to have your inventory and checklists at your fingertips, anytime and anywhere.
  • Organization: Apps often feature templates and categorization options that make it easier to organize your belongings.
  • Reminders: Set deadlines and reminders for important tasks, ensuring nothing gets overlooked in the chaos of moving.

Safety First: Packing Fragile Items

When it comes to packing, not all items are created equal. Fragile items require extra attention and care to ensure they arrive at your new home in one piece. Here's how to ensure their safety during the move:

Packing Fragile Items: Materials and Methods for Protection

  • Use the right materials: Bubble wrap, packing paper, and sturdy boxes are essential for protecting fragile items. Remember, the investment in quality packing materials can save you the cost and heartache of replacements.
  • Proper techniques: Wrap each fragile item individually, ensuring adequate cushioning and support. Plates should be packed vertically like records, and glasses should be filled with packing paper to avoid internal pressure.

Special Boxes and Techniques for Artwork, Electronics, and Glassware

  • Specialty boxes: Invest in specialty boxes designed for fragile items such as artwork and electronics. Mirror boxes or picture boxes, for example, can provide the rigid support needed for glass and frames.
  • Labeling is key: Always mark boxes containing fragile items with a noticeable "FRAGILE" label on multiple sides of the box. Don't hesitate to also write a brief description of the contents to remind yourself and the movers to handle it with extra care.

Time-Saving Tactics: Streamlining the Packing Process

Efficiency is not just about moving quickly; it's about making smart decisions that save time both now and later. Here are some tactics to help you streamline your packing process:

Time Management Tips for a Smooth Packing Experience

  • Break it down: Divide your packing into manageable sections or tasks, and tackle one at a time. Avoiding burnout is key.
  • Set deadlines: Having a hard deadline for each room or task can propel you forward and help avoid last-minute rushes.

Techniques to Keep Motivation High and Stress Low

  • Celebrate milestones: Finished packing the kitchen? Celebrate with a small reward. These milestones help maintain momentum.
  • Stay organized: Keep your packing supplies in one designated area to avoid wasting time looking for tape or markers.

Final Preparations: The Last Week Before the Move

As moving day approaches, the last week before the move becomes pivotal. It's a time filled with last-minute tasks, final check-ups, and ensuring everything is ready for the big day. Here's how to navigate these final steps efficiently, reducing stress and ensuring a smooth transition.

Completing Final Packing: Last-Minute Tips and Tricks

  • Essentials bag: Pack an essentials bag or box with items you'll need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, a few sets of clothes, medications, important documents, chargers, and some snacks. This will save you from rummaging through boxes on your first night.
  • Final walkthrough: Do a final walkthrough of each room to ensure nothing is left behind. Check closets, cabinets, and outdoor areas.
  • Valuables: Keep valuable items, such as jewelry and important documents, with you during the move. It's best not to pack these with other household items.

Preparing Appliances and Large Items for the Move

  • Defrost the refrigerator: If you’re taking your refrigerator with you, remember to defrost it at least 24-48 hours before the move. This will prevent any water damage from occurring during the transport.
  • Clean and disassemble: Clean each appliance and disassemble what you can. Remove hoses from washers, take apart modular furniture, and ensure everything is ready to be loaded onto the truck.
  • Secure cords: Tape any cords to the appliances to avoid tripping hazards or damage.

Coordinating With Your Moving Company

  • Confirmation: Confirm the arrival time and any last-minute details with your moving company. American Moving & Storage, for example, maintains open communication lines to ensure a coordinated effort on moving day.
  • Parking: Ensure there’s adequate parking for the moving truck at both your old and new locations. If necessary, obtain parking permits to avoid any delays.
  • Access: Check that there’s clear access to your home for the movers. This might involve reserving elevators in advance if moving from or to an apartment building.

What to Do on Moving Day

  • Early start: Be ready to go early. Having everything packed and ready to load onto the truck will make the process faster and more efficient.
  • Inventory check: Perform a final inventory check with the movers. This ensures all your belongings are accounted for before and after the move.
  • Essentials: Keep your essentials bag with you. This way, you have access to everything you need during the move.

How to Efficiently Unpack and Settle into Your New Home

  • Unpack essentials first: Start by unpacking your essentials bag and boxes. Setting up your bed, bathroom, and kitchen first can make the new place feel more like home.
  • Room by room: Tackle one room at a time, starting with the most used spaces. This helps keep things organized and reduces overwhelm.
  • Decoration and personal touches: Once the essentials are out of the way, begin placing decorative items and personal touches around your home to truly make it your own.

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a grey background with a white square and a black squareMastering the Organized Packing Process
February 28, 2024
Mastering the Organized Packing Process

Mastering the Organized Packing Process

Moving is an adventure, a new beginning, yet it often comes with a side of stress, especially when it comes to packing. But what if we told you there's a way to transform this daunting task into a smooth, almost enjoyable process? That's where American Moving & Storage, your trusted Denver, Colorado moving company, shines. We're here not just to move your belongings but to guide you through organizing your packing process, making it efficient and less overwhelming.

Unpacking the Essentials: Beginning Your Packing Journey

At the heart of every successful move lies a well-thought-out plan, particularly when it comes to packing. Understanding the importance of organization in this process cannot be overstated. An organized packing strategy minimizes the risk of lost or damaged items, saves time both in packing and unpacking, and significantly reduces the stress associated with moving.

What exactly is the organized packing process? 

It's a systematic approach to sort, declutter, pack, and label your belongings in a way that makes unpacking at your new home a breeze. It’s about making informed decisions on what to pack and when, ensuring that every item has its place.

Impact on Moving Day: 

Imagine the moving day with boxes clearly labeled, fragile items securely packed, and essential items readily accessible. Not only does it expedite the moving process, but it also sets the stage for a smoother unpacking experience. This organized approach, championed by American Moving & Storage, ensures that your moving day is as stress-free as possible.

Planning: Laying the Groundwork for Success

The first step to an efficient move is thorough planning. This isn't just about marking the calendar for the big day; it's about creating a detailed, step-by-step plan that covers everything from gathering packing materials to deciding which items go into the moving truck first.

Creating a Moving and Packing Timeline: 

Start as early as possible, ideally 6-8 weeks before your move date. This timeline should include milestones like when to start packing each room, final days for utility transfers, and when to have everything ready for the movers. Breaking down the process week by week makes the task less overwhelming and ensures nothing is left until the last minute.

Estimating Packing Needs: 

How many boxes will you need? What about bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers for labeling? Underestimating can stall your packing process, so it's better to overestimate. A quick tip: count the number of cabinets, drawers, and closets you have to get a rough idea of what you'll be packing. Tools like moving calculators can also help estimate the quantity of packing materials needed based on the size of your home and your lifestyle (e.g., minimalistic, average, or packrat).

Prioritizing Belongings: 

What to pack first is crucial. Start with items you use least often, think seasonal decorations, books, and off-season clothing. Items used daily should be packed last. This method ensures that you're not rummaging through boxes for essentials before the move.

Gathering Supplies: The Movers' Arsenal

With a clear plan in place, it's time to gather all the packing supplies you'll need. This step is crucial in keeping your belongings secure and organized throughout the move.

Essential Packing Materials List:

  1. Sturdy boxes in various sizes
  2. Packing tape for securing boxes
  3. Bubble wrap or packing paper for fragile items
  4. Permanent markers for labeling
  5. Stretch plastic wrap for drawers and pieces of furniture
  6. Specialty boxes (e.g., wardrobe boxes, dish packs)

Eco-friendly Packing Options: 

Consider using biodegradable packing peanuts, recycled paper or blankets, and towels for cushioning. Renting reusable plastic moving boxes is another sustainable choice that's become increasingly popular.

Where to Find Supplies: 

Apart from purchasing from moving companies or hardware stores, you can find boxes and packing materials at little to no cost. Check with local businesses for boxes or use online marketplaces where people often give away packing supplies after a move.

Room-By-Room Packing Strategies

Packing room by room can dramatically improve the efficiency and organization of your move. This approach helps keep similar items together, making unpacking easier.

  • Kitchen: Begin with non-essentials like baking equipment and rarely used gadgets. Pack dishes vertically in small to medium boxes using plenty of cushioning. Remember to label boxes with "fragile."
  • Living Room: Electronics require special care; use original boxes when possible. Wrap cords individually and mark them for easy setup. Books should go in small boxes to keep them manageable.
  • Bedroom: Start with off-season clothing and extra linens. Use wardrobe boxes for hanging clothes to simplify packing and unpacking. Vacuum-seal bags are great for bedding and soft items.
  • Bathroom: Pack toiletries together, ensuring caps are tight and bags are sealed to prevent leaks. Keep essential toiletries separate and easily accessible.

Decluttering: Lightening the Load

Before you start sealing those boxes, there's a critical, often liberating step in the packing process decluttering. The less you have to pack, the less you move, and ultimately, the less you have to unpack. This process not only lightens the physical load but can also reduce moving costs.

The Role of Decluttering: 

By sifting through your belongings and deciding what truly matters, you make your move more efficient and your new home less cluttered. This step is about making mindful decisions on what to keep, donate, sell, or throw away.

Tips for Effective Decluttering: 

Approach decluttering with a systematic mindset. Create zones within your home and tackle one area at a time. Ask yourself: Have I used this in the last year? Does it bring me joy or serve a purpose? If the answer is no, it's time to let go.

  • Keep: Items you regularly use or hold sentimental value.
  • Donate: Items in good condition that could benefit others.
  • Sell: High-value items that you no longer need. Consider online marketplaces or garage sales.
  • Throw Away: Items that are broken, outdated, or otherwise unusable.

Organizing a Pre-move Garage Sale or Donation Pick-up:

 Once you've separated items to donate or sell, planning a garage sale can be a great way to declutter and earn extra cash. For donations, many organizations offer pick-up services, making it convenient to give away larger items or bulk donations without leaving your home.

Labeling and Inventory Management

With decluttering out of the way, it's all about keeping track of what you're moving. Proper labeling and inventory management are key to avoiding the all-too-common moving day scramble of finding essentials.

Creating a Master Inventory List: 

This list should include every item (or box of items) you're moving. It might seem tedious, but it's incredibly helpful for keeping track of your belongings, especially valuable or sentimental items.

Efficient Labeling Techniques:

Label each box with its contents and the room it belongs in. Consider using different colored markers or stickers for each room to make identification even easier. Be as specific as possible; instead of "Kitchen," write "Kitchen - Pots and Pans."

Using Technology to Keep Track: 

Numerous apps can help you create a digital inventory, complete with photos and notes. This can be a lifesaver for insurance purposes and for making sure nothing gets lost in the shuffle.

Packing Tips and Tricks from Professional Movers

Packing efficiently can mean the difference between a chaotic moving experience and a smooth one. Here are some professional insights to keep your belongings safe and make unpacking a breeze.

  • Insider Packing Tips:some text
    • Utilize clothing, towels, and blankets as padding for fragile items.
    • Pack books flat to avoid damaging their spines.
    • Fill pots with spices or smaller kitchen items to save space.
  • Common Packing Mistakes to Avoid:some text
    • Overpacking boxes. Keep them at a manageable weight.
    • Leaving empty spaces in boxes. Fill gaps with packing paper or towels to prevent items from shifting.
    • Forgetting to detail the contents on the box. Knowing what's inside at a glance saves time and effort later.
  • How to Pack a "First-night" Box: Include essentials like toiletries, a change of clothes, basic kitchenware, and anything else you'll need immediately upon arriving at your new home. This box should be clearly labeled and loaded last, so 

The Day Before the Move: Final Preparations

The day before your move is crucial for tying up loose ends and setting the stage for a seamless moving day. This last-minute preparation can significantly reduce stress, making the transition smoother for everyone involved.

Finalize Your Packing

By now, most of your belongings should be boxed and labeled. Use this day to:

  • Pack essentials: Prepare an overnight bag with personal items you'll need immediately after the move, such as toiletries, medications, and a change of clothes. Also, pack a separate "first-day essentials" box with items like toilet paper, a few kitchen utensils, and snacks. This keeps you from rummaging through multiple boxes on your first night.
  • Create a clear path: Ensure all boxes are stacked in a designated area, preferably near the main entrance, to streamline the loading process. This reduces the time movers spend navigating through your home, speeding up the moving process.

Confirm Details With Your Movers

A day before the move is a good time to touch base with your moving company. Confirm:

  • Arrival time: Knowing exactly when the movers will arrive helps you plan your day better.
  • Special instructions: If you have items that require special handling or if there's a preferred loading sequence, communicate this with your movers beforehand.
  • Contact information: Exchange mobile numbers with the team leader in case of last-minute changes or emergencies.

Prepare Your Home

Take some time to:

  • Protect your property: Consider laying down floor protectors to avoid scratches or damage during the move.
  • Label rooms: If you’ve labeled your boxes according to room, matching labels on room doors can expedite the unloading process.
  • Secure loose items: Ensure that all appliances are unplugged, and secure cords to the devices. If any furniture needs to be dismantled, do this now, unless you've arranged for your movers to handle it.

Rest and Reflect

  • Get a good night's sleep: It’s going to be a long day, so getting enough rest is crucial.
  • Take a moment to reflect: Spend some time walking through your home, recalling fond memories. Acknowledge the significant change that's about to happen; it’s a big step, but you're well-prepared.

Last-minute Checklist

  • Dispose of any remaining items that won’t be making the move, according to the plan you’ve established for decluttering.
  • Prepare refreshments: It’s going to be a long day for everyone. Having some refreshments available for the moving crew and yourself is a nice gesture that keeps energy up.
  • Review your inventory list: Ensure it’s accessible either in print or on your mobile device. This will be crucial for checking off items as they’re unloaded at 

Moving Day: Execution of Your Packing Plan

The day has arrived. It's moving day, a culmination of weeks (or even months) of preparation. Today, your organized packing process pays off. Here's how to ensure a smooth execution of your packing plan, making the transition to your new home as seamless as possible.

Morning Preparations

  • Wake up early: Give yourself plenty of time to get ready before the movers arrive. This is not the day for last-minute packing. If you've followed the plan, today is about execution.
  • Review your checklist: Go over your moving day checklist one last time, ensuring everything is in order. Confirm that your essentials bag and "first-day" box are set aside and clearly labeled, ready to travel with you.

When Movers Arrive

Upon the movers' arrival:

  • Walkthrough with the team leader: Show them around, pointing out items that need special care or are not to be loaded. This is the time to clarify any last-minute details and review what's been discussed the day before.
  • Ensure easy access: Double-check that the movers have clear and unhindered access to your home. This includes making sure there's available parking and a path cleared of any obstacles for them to safely carry your belongings.
  • Keep your inventory list handy: As items are being loaded, keep an eye on your inventory list. This doesn't mean you need to micromanage the movers, but a general overview helps keep everything in check.

Throughout the Day

  • Stay available: The movers might have questions or need your instructions. Staying available to address any concerns ensures the move aligns with your expectations.
  • Take care of yourself and others: Moving day can be emotionally and physically taxing. Remember to stay hydrated, have snacks on hand, and take short breaks when needed.

Final Walkthrough

Before the moving truck pulls away:

  • Do a final walkthrough of your old home: Check every room, closet, and storage area one last time. This is your last chance to ensure nothing is left behind.
  • Turn off all switches and lock up: Make sure all lights are turned off and that the house is secure.

Arrival at Your New Home

  • Direct the unloading process: Refer to your inventory and labeling system to guide the movers on where each box and piece of furniture should go.
  • Check off items: As your belongings are unloaded, check them off your inventory list. This ensures everything has arrived and allows you to quickly identify if anything is missing or damaged.
  • Tipping the movers: If you're satisfied with the service, it's customary to tip the moving crew. The amount is at your discretion but generally, a tip of 10-15% of the total bill divided among the crew is appreciated.

Reflect and Relax

With your belongings safely in your new home and the movers gone, take a moment to breathe and appreciate the work you've done. Remember, unpacking doesn't need to be done in a day. Focus on essentials first and take your time 

Unpacking and Settling In: The Final Steps

Unpacking with Purpose

  • Start with the essentials: Begin by locating and unpacking your "first-day" box that you packed last and loaded last, so it's the first thing you have access to. This box contains the items you'll need immediately, such as toiletries, some basic kitchenware, and perhaps bedding. Setting up your bed first can be a comforting way to start, ensuring you have a place to rest whenever you need a break.
  • Proceed room by room: Unpack one room at a time, starting with the rooms you'll use most frequently, like the kitchen and bathroom. This focused approach prevents the process from becoming overwhelming and helps ensure each room is set up efficiently and comfortably.

Prioritizing Tasks

  • Major appliances first: If your new home came without certain appliances or you brought your own, getting these set up early on can make the rest of settling in much easier. This includes the refrigerator, washer, dryer, and any essential cooking appliances.
  • Furniture arrangement: Before you unpack too many smaller items, get your furniture in place. It’s easier to move larger items around without the clutter of small belongings. Plus, having your furniture arranged will make the space feel more like home and give you a better sense of where things should go.

Personalizing Your Space

  • Decor and photos: Once the essentials are unpacked and you've started to settle in, begin personalizing your space with decor, artwork, and photos. These personal touches can significantly impact making your new place feel comforting and familiar.

Organizing as You Go

  • Keep decluttering: Even with the best prep work, you might find things you no longer need or want as you unpack. Keep a box or bag handy for items to donate or sell, continuing the decluttering process even as you settle in.
  • Establish a system: As you unpack, think about the organization systems that will work best in each room. This is the perfect time to implement new storage solutions or organizational habits that can keep your home tidy and functional long term.

Taking it One Step at a Time

  • Be patient with yourself: Remember, unpacking and setting into a new home doesn't happen overnight. It's okay to take your time and make thoughtful decisions about where things should go and how spaces should be used.
  • Celebrate small wins: Each box unpacked, every picture hung, and every drawer organized is a step toward making your new house a home. Celebrate these accomplishments along the way.

Bonus: Moving with American Moving & Storage

Choosing the right moving company can make all the difference in your relocation experience. American Moving & Storage, based in Denver, Colorado, offers a comprehensive range of services designed to cater to every aspect of your move. Here's why considering American Moving & Storage could be the pivotal decision that transforms your moving journey into a seamless and stress-free process.

Why Choose American Moving & Storage?

Expertise and Reliability: 

With years of experience in the moving industry, American Moving & Storage brings a wealth of knowledge and a track record of reliability. Our team of professionals is trained to handle your belongings with the utmost care, giving you peace of mind that your items are in good hands.

Comprehensive Moving Solutions: 

Whether you're moving locally within Denver or planning a long-distance move, American Moving & Storage offers a full suite of services to meet your needs. From packing and unpacking services to secure storage solutions, we aim to provide a one-stop-shop for all your moving requirements.

Customized Moving Plans: 

Understanding that every move is unique, we work closely with our clients to create personalized moving plans. This tailor-made approach ensures that your specific needs are addressed, whether you require full-service packing, specialty item moving, or flexible scheduling options.

Our Full-Service Moving Options

Packing and Unpacking: 

Our team can take the burden of packing off your shoulders. Using high-quality packing materials and efficient techniques, we ensure your belongings are well-protected. Once at your new home, we can also assist with the unpacking process, helping you settle in more quickly.

Secure Storage Solutions: 

If you're in need of storage, either short-term or long-term, American Moving & Storage has got you covered. Our secure, climate-controlled storage facilities offer a safe place for your belongings until you're ready to move them into your new home.

Specialty Item Moving: 

For items that require extra care and attention, such as pianos, antiques, or artwork, our team has the expertise to ensure they're moved safely and securely.

Efficient and Trustworthy Service: 

At American Moving & Storage, we pride ourselves on our efficiency and commitment to customer satisfaction. We understand the stresses associated with moving and go above and beyond to provide a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Ready to Get Moving?

If you're planning a move in Denver, Colorado, or beyond, American Moving & Storage is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule your move. Let us take the heavy lifting off your hands, allowing you to focus on the exciting new chapter ahead.

Read article
a grey background with a white square and a black squarePacking Tips for a Stress-Free Move
February 26, 2024
Packing Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Packing Tips for a Stress-Free Move

Moving to a new home can be an exciting yet daunting process. Packing up your life into boxes is no small feat, but with a bit of guidance and smart planning, you can make the transition smoother and less stressful. Whether you're moving across Denver, Colorado, or across the country, this guide, brought to you by American Moving & Storage, is designed to help you master the art of DIY packing.

Kickstarting Your Moving Journey

Introduction to DIY Packing

DIY packing isn't just about saving costs; it's about gaining the freedom to organize, declutter, and pack your possessions in a way that makes sense to you. Taking the reins on your packing process allows you to sort through your belongings, deciding what to keep, donate, or discard before embarking on your new journey. Moreover, it imbues a personal touch to the moving process, turning what could be a hectic experience into a thoughtful transition from one chapter of your life to the next.

Why Choose American Moving & Storage for Your Denver, Colorado Move

At American Moving & Storage, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that come with DIY packing for your move. We are a company based in Denver, Colorado, and we offer full-service moving solutions tailored to support DIY packers every step of the way. Our team provides not just the brawn for the heavy lifting but also the brains for strategic moving plans, ensuring your possessions are transported safely and efficiently. 

Pre-Packing Phase

Inventory and Decluttering

Before you dive into packing, it's crucial to know exactly what you're working with. Start by making a detailed inventory of your belongings, categorizing them by room to simplify the process. This inventory will not only aid in organizing your move but will also serve as a master list to check against when unpacking.

Essential Packing Supplies

To ensure a smooth packing process, you'll need to arm yourself with the right supplies. Here's a basic checklist to get you started:

  • Boxes: Invest in sturdy boxes of various sizes. Consider specialty boxes for items like dishes or wardrobe pieces.
  • Packing Tape: Quality packing tape is essential for securing your boxes.
  • Bubble Wrap and Packing Paper: Protect fragile items with bubble wrap and use packing paper for cushioning.
  • Markers: You'll need bold markers for labeling your boxes.
  • Stretch Wrap: Useful for bundling items together or wrapping upholstered furniture.

One of the keys to a stress-free move is establishing a packing schedule. Break down your packing into manageable chunks, assigning specific days for different rooms or categories of items. Starting early and setting realistic goals can prevent last-minute rushes, ensuring a more organized and less chaotic moving experience.

Packing Strategies

Room-by-Room Packing Guide

Tackling one room at a time can make the packing process seem less overwhelming. Here's a quick guide to help you navigate through each area of your home:

a quick guide to help you navigate through each area of your home:

  • Kitchen: Start with non-essential items like fine china and rarely used appliances. Use sturdy boxes and plenty of cushioning for fragile items. Remember to label boxes containing glassware as "Fragile."
  • Living Room: Begin with decorative items, books, and anything not in daily use. When packing electronics, if possible, pack them in their original boxes. Otherwise, use bubble wrap and mark these boxes as "Fragile" and "This Side Up."
  • Bedrooms: For clothes, consider wardrobe boxes that allow you to simply transfer hangers from your closet to the box. Use suitcases to pack other clothing, bedding, and pillows.
  • Bathrooms: Pack toiletries together, ensuring that lids are tight and bags are used to prevent spills. Towels can be used as padding around these items or to fill gaps in boxes.

Protecting Fragile Items

Wrap fragile items individually in bubble wrap or packing paper, securing the wrap with tape. When placing these items in boxes, ensure they are snug to prevent movement, using crumpled packing paper or towels to fill gaps. Plates should be packed vertically like records, and glasses should be wrapped and placed rim down.

Maximizing Box Space

Efficiency is key when packing boxes. Heavier items should go in smaller boxes, while lighter items can be placed in larger boxes. Don't overpack boxes to the point where they become difficult to lift or risk breaking open. Leave some space at the top of each box for padding to protect contents during transport.

Labeling and Inventory

Label every box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This will make unpacking much easier. Additionally, keep a detailed inventory of what's in each box. This can be as simple as a numbered list on a notepad or a spreadsheet on your computer or smartphone.

Special Packing Considerations

Packing Electronics Safely

Electronics require special care during the moving process. Use original packaging whenever possible. If not, use boxes that are slightly larger than the device, and fill any gaps with bubble wrap or packing paper. Take photos of your setups before disconnecting them, so you can easily reassemble devices in your new home.

Moving Heavy Furniture

If possible, disassemble large furniture pieces to make them easier to move. Keep screws and small parts in labeled plastic bags, and tape them to the respective furniture piece. Use furniture pads or blankets to protect wooden surfaces and edges.

Packing Artwork and Valuables

Artwork should be wrapped in bubble wrap and placed in picture boxes. For extra protection, create an X with masking tape over the glass front of framed pieces to prevent shattering. Valuables, such as jewelry, should be transported with you personally, not in the moving truck.

Preparing a First-Night Box

Pack a box or suitcase with essentials you'll need for the first night in your new home, including toiletries, a change of clothes, basic tools, and snacks. This box should travel with you, not in the moving truck, to ensure it's readily available when you arrive.

Day of the Move

Loading the Moving Truck

When loading the moving truck, place heavier items towards the front (closest to the cab) and evenly distribute weight across the floor. Stack boxes from heaviest to lightest, ensuring there is no space between them to prevent shifting. Place fragile items or those marked "Top Load" on top of heavier, stable boxes.

Keeping Valuables Safe

Valuables, documents, and personal items like laptops should travel with you in your personal vehicle. This minimizes the risk of loss or damage during the move.

Settling into Your New Home

Unpacking Tips

Unpack one room at a time, beginning with essential areas like the kitchen and bathroom. Use your inventory and box labels to locate and prioritize items that need to be unpacked first. Take your time to thoughtfully arrange your belongings, making your new house feel like home.

Post-Move Decluttering

Even with pre-move decluttering, you might find items that no longer fit your space or lifestyle. Take this opportunity to further declutter, donating or selling items that you no longer need or want.

Wrapping Up Your DIY Packing Experience

DIY packing for your move can be a rewarding experience. With these tips and the support of American Moving & Storage, your move within, to, or from Denver, Colorado, can be stress-free and organized. Remember, our team is here to complement your efforts, whether you need additional packing supplies, transport services, or storage solutions. Here's to a successful move and a bright new beginning in your new home.

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a grey background with a white square and a black squarePacking Services Overview: The Ultimate Guide for a Stress-Free Mov
February 22, 2024
Packing Services Overview: The Ultimate Guide for a Stress-Free Mov

Packing Services Overview: The Ultimate Guide for a Stress-Free Move

Moving can be a time of exciting transitions and new beginnings. However, the process often comes with a significant challenge: packing. Packing is not just about placing your belongings in boxes. It's the art of organizing, securing, and preparing your items for the safe journey ahead. 

Understanding Packing Services

Definition and Purpose:

Packing services involve professional movers coming to your home to pack your belongings before a move. These experts are trained in the best techniques to ensure your items are safely and efficiently packed, using quality materials to protect your possessions from damage during transport.

The Difference Between DIY Packing and Professional Packing Services:

  • DIY Packing: You're in control but bear the brunt of acquiring materials, packing all items, and assuming the risk of improperly packed goods.
  • Professional Packing Services: Experienced professionals handle the packing, utilizing the right materials and techniques, which mitigates the risk of damage and relieves you of the physical and mental load.

Types of Packing Services

There are several types of packing services available, catering to different needs and budgets:

  1. Full Packing Services: The movers pack everything in your home, making it ideal for those with limited time or those who prefer not to deal with the hassle of packing.
  2. Partial Packing Services: For those who wish to pack some items themselves but leave specific, perhaps more delicate or challenging, items to professionals.
  3. Custom Crating: Some items may require special care and cannot be packed in standard boxes. Custom crating services are available for items such as large artworks, antique furniture, or high-value electronics.
  4. Unpacking Services: Once you're in your new home, unpacking services can be just as beneficial as packing services. Movers place your items where you want them, allowing you to settle in more quickly.

Advantages of Hiring Professional Packing Services

When contemplating whether to pack your belongings yourself or hire professional packing services, consider the many advantages that professionals bring to the table:

Time-Efficiency and Convenience: 

Packing an entire home can take days or even weeks. Professional packers are trained to work efficiently, often completing the process in a fraction of the time it would take you to do it yourself. This convenience allows you to focus on other aspects of your move.

Expert Handling and Safety:

The safety of your items is paramount during a move. Professional packers have the expertise and the right materials to pack your items securely. Whether it's wrapping delicate china or ensuring a heavy piece of furniture is adequately protected, you can trust that your belongings are in good hands.

Insurance and Liability: 

Reputable moving companies offer options for insurance and assume liability for the goods they pack. This means if items packed by professionals are damaged during the move, you may be compensated for the loss or damage, providing peace of mind.

Stress Reduction: 

Moving is often ranked as one of life's most stressful events. By entrusting the packing process to professionals, you can significantly reduce the emotional and physical stress of moving.

What to Expect When You Hire Packing Services

Here’s a breakdown of what the process typically looks like when you decide to go with professional packing services:

Initial Consultation and Quotation: 

The process usually starts with an initial consultation, either over the phone or in person. During this consultation, you'll discuss the scope of your move and any specific requirements or concerns you have. The company should provide you with a detailed quotation based on this initial assessment.

Inventory Assessment: 

Before the packing begins, the professional packers will conduct a thorough inventory of your items to understand better what needs to be packed and any special considerations that must be addressed.

Packing Materials and Techniques:

Professional packers use high-quality packing materials, including boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, and more, to ensure your items are well-protected. They are trained in the best techniques for packing different types of items, from dishes and glassware to electronics and artwork.

Day-of Packing Process: 

On the day of packing, the team will arrive at your home and begin the packing process. They will systematically go through your home, packing items room by room, and labeling boxes for easy identification and unpacking at your 

Choosing the Right Packing Service for Your Move

Deciding on the right packing service can significantly impact your moving experience. Here’s what to keep in mind to make an informed choice:

Assessing Your Needs:

Consider the size of your move, the amount of time you have, and the value of your items. If you have many fragile or high-value items, professional packing might be especially worthwhile.

Comparing Costs and Services: 

Get quotes from several packing and moving companies. Look beyond the price and compare what services are included. Some companies might offer added value through comprehensive insurance or specialized packing techniques for fragile items.

Reading Reviews and Asking for References: 

Online reviews and referrals from friends or family can provide insights into a company's reliability and the quality of their service. Don’t hesitate to ask the company for references from past customers.

Understanding the Insurance and Liability Terms: 

Make sure you understand what is covered under the mover's insurance policy and any additional insurance options. Knowing your belongings are protected can give you extra peace of mind.

Preparing for Packing Services

Once you’ve chosen a packing service, there are steps you can take to prepare, ensuring the process is as smooth as possible:

Decluttering Before Packing: 

Take the time to declutter your home before the packing service arrives. This not only reduces the volume of items to pack but can also help lower your moving costs.

Identifying Items That Need Special Attention: 

If you have items that are particularly valuable, sentimental, or fragile, make a list or take photos and discuss these with your packing team. This ensures they’re packed with the necessary care and attention.

Guidelines for Personal or Valuable Items: 

Some items, like important documents, jewelry, or family heirlooms, should be kept with you during the move. Pack these separately and plan to transport them personally.

Costs and Budgeting for Packing Services

Understanding the factors that influence the cost of packing services can help you budget more effectively:

Factors Affecting the Cost of Packing Services: 

The size of your home, the volume and nature of your belongings, and the distance of your move are among the primary factors affecting cost. Specialized packing for fragile or oversized items may also incur additional charges.

Tips for Keeping Costs Down: 

Decluttering before your move can reduce the number of items needing to be packed and, consequently, the cost. Consider packing some non-fragile items yourself to save on partial packing services.

Getting and Comparing Estimates:

Always get detailed estimates from a few different companies. Ensure these estimates are based on an in-home assessment for accuracy. Comparing these can help you find the best service for your budget.

Special Considerations

When planning your move, there are a few special considerations to keep in mind to ensure everything goes smoothly:

Moving Fragile or High-Value Items

For items that are particularly fragile, valuable, or both, special packing techniques and materials are necessary to ensure their safety during the move. This may include custom crating, the use of acid-free packing paper, bubble wrap, or specialized boxes. Inform your packing service about these items beforehand so they can prepare the necessary materials and techniques.

Packing and Moving Large or Unusual Items

Large or unusual items such as pianos and organs, artwork, or oversized furniture may require specific expertise to move safely. In many cases, these items will need custom crating and may involve additional costs. It's important to discuss these items with your moving company early in the planning process to ensure they can accommodate them.

Handling Last-Minute Packing Needs

Even with careful planning, last-minute packing needs can arise. Whether it's a closet you forgot to go through or items you needed to use until moving day, professional packers can handle last-minute additions. However, communicating these needs as soon as possible can help ensure the packing process remains efficient and on schedule.

Packing Services and Sustainable Practices

Reducing the environmental impact of your move is an important consideration. Here are ways packing services can incorporate sustainable practices:

Eco-Friendly Packing Materials

Opt for a packing service that uses sustainable materials, such as biodegradable packing peanuts, recycled paper products, or reusable crates and boxes. These materials offer the same level of protection for your items while being kinder to the environment.

Recycling and Disposing of Packing Materials Responsibly

After unpacking, you'll likely have a significant amount of packing material to deal with. Work with your moving company to understand how you can recycle or responsibly dispose of these materials. Some companies may offer to take them back for reuse or recycling.

Do-It-Yourself Packing Tips

If you decide to handle some or all of the packing yourself, here are some tips to make the process more manageable:

Essential Packing Supplies and Where to Find Them

  • Boxes: Corrugated cardboard boxes in various sizes. Liquor stores or bookstores often have sturdy boxes available for free.
  • Packing Paper: For wrapping and padding items. Blank newsprint is an inexpensive alternative that won’t leave ink on your items.
  • Bubble Wrap: For fragile items. Can be purchased at shipping or office supply stores.
  • Packing Tape: Invest in high-quality tape to ensure boxes stay sealed.
  • Marker Pens: For labeling boxes. Use different colors for different rooms to make unpacking easier.

Packing Techniques for Different Types of Items

  • Wrap individual items in packing paper or bubble wrap.
  • Fill boxes tightly to prevent items from shifting, but don’t overpack them.
  • Heavier items go on the bottom, lighter items on top.
  • Label each box with its contents and the room it’s destined for.

Organizing and Labeling Boxes for an Efficient Move

Creating a labeling system can significantly streamline the unpacking process. Consider numbering boxes and keeping a master list of their contents. Additionally, color-coding boxes according to room can help movers place boxes in the correct locations at your new home.

Conclusion: Wrapping Up Your Move with Confidence

As we've explored, professional packing services can significantly reduce the stress and time associated with moving. From handling fragile items with care to employing sustainable packing practices, companies like American Moving & Storage are equipped to handle your packing needs efficiently and responsibly. By selecting the right packing services and preparing appropriately, you can ensure a smoother transition to your new home in Denver, Colorado.

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a grey background with a white square and a black squareNavigating Local Moving Costs: A Comprehensive Guide
February 20, 2024
Navigating Local Moving Costs: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to a thorough exploration of what it truly means and costs to move locally. Here at American Moving & Storage, a leading full-service moving company in Denver, Colorado, our mission is to demystify the process and expenses associated with local relocations. 

Moving locally in/or around Denver Colorado? Continue reading our guide on Local Moving Costs in Denver!

1. Unpacking Local Moving Costs

When we talk about local moving costs, we're referring to the expenses incurred while relocating within a short distance, typically within the same city or state, and often defined by moves within a 50-mile radius. However, the commonality ends there, as numerous variables impact the final cost of your move.

Factors Influencing Local Moving Costs

Understanding the elements that influence moving costs is crucial for budgeting accurately. These factors include:

  • Volume of Belongings: The more items you have, the larger the truck and the more labor needed, directly affecting cost.
  • Distance Between Locations: While all moves in this discussion are "local," longer distances within the local spectrum can increase costs.
  • Access Issues: Difficulty of access, such as narrow streets, lack of parking, or flights of stairs, can complicate the move and thus, add to the cost.
  • Time of Year: Moving during peak seasons, like summer or holidays, often comes with a premium price tag due to higher demand.
  • Additional Services: Services like packing, unpacking, or handling special items like pianos, can also add to the overall cost.

2. The Core Components of Your Moving Bill

A moving company's quote typically consists of several key components that together form your final bill. Understanding these can help you better anticipate your moving costs.

Labor Charges: Understanding Hourly Rates

Most local movers charge by the hour, with rates depending on the number of movers and the hours worked. This rate includes loading, unloading, and driving time.

Truck and Equipment Fees

The size of the truck and any additional equipment required for your move, such as dollies or protective blankets, also factor into your cost.

Packing Materials and Services

If you choose to utilize your moving company's packing services, costs will include labor and materials like boxes, tape, and bubble wrap.

Additional Services and Their Impact on Pricing

Many moving companies offer services beyond simply transporting your belongings from Point A to Point B. Opting for these services can make your move easier, but they will impact your final cost.

Packing and Unpacking Services

Professional packing can significantly reduce the stress of moving but remember, the convenience comes at a cost. Similarly, unpacking services at your new home can offer ease and efficiency but will add to your total expenses.

Disassembly and Reassembly of Furniture

Large furniture items often require disassembly for safe transport and reassembly at your new home. Moving companies typically charge for this service based on the complexity and time taken.

Specialty Items and Handling Charges

Items that require special care, such as antiques, art, or pianos, may incur additional fees due to the need for specialized packing or handling equipment.

3. Decoding Hidden Fees and Charges

A common concern when planning a move is the possibility of encountering unexpected costs. Being aware of these potential hidden fees can prevent surprises when you receive your final bill.

Travel Fees and Toll Charges

One commonly overlooked cost is the travel fee, which covers the movers’ time spent getting to your location and then back to their office after the move. If your move route includes toll roads, these charges might also be passed on to you.

Storage-in-Transit Fees

If there’s a gap between your move-out and move-in dates, your belongings may need to be stored temporarily. Storage-in-transit fees will apply, our company offers storage solutions and these can vary greatly depending on the duration and volume of storage.

Last-Minute Booking Fees

Planning your move well in advance is always advisable. However, if you find yourself needing to book movers at the last minute, be prepared for higher costs due to the rush service.

4. Budgeting for Your Local Move

Creating a budget for your move is essential for keeping costs in check and ensuring you can afford the services you need. Here’s how to get started:

Average Costs of a Local Move

The average cost of a local move can range from $300 to $1,500, depending on the factors previously discussed. Keep in mind, the more services you require, the higher the cost will be.

Creating a Moving Budget Checklist

A detailed checklist that includes all potential expenses such as packing supplies, mover fees, and any additional services can help you avoid unexpected costs. Remember to set aside a contingency fund for unexpected expenses.

5. Saving Strategies: Cutting Down on Moving Costs

Moving can be expensive, but there are ways to reduce those costs without sacrificing the quality of your move.

DIY vs. Hiring Moving Services: A Cost Comparison

While a DIY move can seem cheaper, consider the potential costs (both monetarily and physically) of renting a truck, buying packing materials, and the time/hardship of manual labor. Sometimes, the stress and physical toll can outweigh the cost savings.

Off-Season Moving Advantages

If possible, consider moving during the off-season (typically fall and winter) when demand for moving services is lower. This can lead to reduced prices and more availability.

Decluttering Before Moving

Reducing the volume of items to be moved can directly impact your moving costs. Sell, donate, or discard items you no longer need before you start the moving process.

6. Choosing the Right Local Moving Company

The moving company you choose can make a big difference in your moving experience. Here’s how to ensure you select the right one:

Verifying Credentials and Reviews

Research potential moving companies thoroughly. Check for licensing, insurance, and professional affiliations. Online reviews and testimonials can also offer valuable insights into a company’s reliability and customer service quality.

Understanding Quotes and Estimates

Always get a detailed estimate in writing. Be wary of lowball quotes that may indicate hidden fees or subpar service. Understanding whether your quote is binding or non-binding is also crucial.

Negotiating with Moving Companies

Don’t be afraid to negotiate. While not all costs are negotiable, you might be able to get better rates on additional services or during slower business periods.

7. Preparing for the Move Day

As your moving day approaches, proper preparation can significantly reduce stress and help ensure everything goes smoothly. Here’s what you need to know:

A Checklist for Moving Day Essentials

Creating a moving day checklist is vital. Include tasks like defrosting the fridge, preparing an essentials box with items you'll need immediately upon arrival (toiletries, chargers, a change of clothes, etc.), and confirming all details with your moving company one last time.

Timeline for a Stress-Free Moving Day

  • A Week Before: Confirm arrangements with your movers and ensure all packing is nearly complete.
  • A Day Before: Finish any last-minute packing and label boxes by room to streamline the unpacking process.
  • The Morning Of: Secure parking for the moving truck, keep important documents and valuables with you, and do a final walkthrough of your home to ensure nothing is left behind.

8. Case Studies: Real-life Moving Scenarios

To better understand how planning and preparation can impact your move, let’s explore a couple of case studies.

Budget Moves

Consider Sarah, who was moving to a new apartment just a few miles away. By decluttering beforehand and opting to pack her belongings herself, she managed to keep her moving costs low. Sarah also chose a mid-week, mid-month moving date, taking advantage of lower rates.

Premium, Full-Service Moves

John and Rachel opted for a stress-free move despite a slightly higher budget. They chose full packing services, furniture disassembly, and temporary storage. The convenience and time saved made the investment worthwhile for them.

9. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much advance notice should I give when booking a moving company?

A: Ideally, you should book your movers at least 4-6 weeks in advance, especially if you’re planning to move during the busy season.

Q: Can I pack my own belongings to save money?

A: Yes, packing yourself can save money. However, be aware that movers may not be liable for damage to items you’ve packed.

Q: Is moving insurance necessary?

A: While not always necessary, moving insurance provides peace of mind, offering coverage for your items during the move.

10. Journeying Forward: After the Move

Once the move is behind you, there are a few steps you can take to settle into your new home comfortably.

Unpacking and Settling In

Prioritize unpacking necessities and gradually work through less essential items. This is also the perfect time to explore your new neighborhood and make it feel like home.

Post-Move Checklists

Creating a post-move checklist can help track tasks such as changing your address, registering for new services, and unpacking systematically to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

11. Seamless Moves with American Moving & Storage

At American Moving & Storage, our comprehensive moving services in Denver, Colorado, are designed to cater to all your moving needs, ensuring a seamless transition to your new home. From budget moves to full-service relocations, our team is committed to providing exceptional service tailored to your specific requirements.

Why Choose Us?

  • Professional, licensed, and insured movers
  • Transparent pricing with no hidden fees
  • Customizable moving services to fit your needs

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a grey background with a white square and a black squarePacking Your Master Bedroom: 5 Tips for a Flawless Experience
January 18, 2022
Packing Your Master Bedroom: 5 Tips for a Flawless Experience

When it comes to packing up portions of your home for a move, we always recommend that you start as soon as you know you are going to be moving. The idea is that with an early start, you are going to pack your items better and have this more organized. Of course, if you are interested in a full-service move, then you can hire the crew at American Moving to also pack for you...which is a huge stress reliever to most people!

With this being said, just how can you pack your master bedroom so that it will be super easy to unpack and get settled into your new home? We have a few tips and tricks to help!

5 Tips for Packing Your Master Bedroom

1. Start with the small items that you do not use every day.

This can be those décor items and trinkets that you have sitting around your master bedroom. These are items that can be packed easily since you will not need these at all before your move date.

2. Pack out-of-season clothes.

While you are still going to need your clothes for everyday living, go ahead and pack up the out-of-season clothes that you have in your closet. You will find that this is going to greatly reduce the packing that you need to do before the movers arrive. Use a wardrobe box to make this even easier to pack and unpack!

3. Hang your current wearing clothes in a wardrobe box without taping this shut.

This is a great tip for those who want to get the closets completely packed. With this idea, you can still use the clothes, wash these, and hang them back up. About twelve hours before your movers arrive, go ahead and seal up the box for moving.

4. Take stock of your closets now.

While you may be ready to pack, now is a good time to do some decluttering in your master bedroom. Do you have old clothes that are out of style that you never wear? Maybe you have some old sheets that you no longer use? These are items that you don’t really need to pack, as this just takes up extra space.

5. The last thing to do is to disassemble the bed.

You will be using your bed up until the day that you move, so this is the last thing that you need to get ready for packing. You will find that the professionals at American Moving can disassemble this for you on moving day if you do not have the desire or the tools to get this done.

Remember, when it comes to moving home, the earlier that you start, the better you will find the entire experience!

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a group of men standing in front of a house

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With American Moving & Storage, you're not just relocating; you're progressing towards a new chapter. Entrust us with the logistics while you enjoy the thrill of your new beginning.