Some Items To Never Pack When Moving

July 19, 2021

Some Items To Never Pack When Movinga grey background with a white square and a black square

Moving is a hectic time and it can be easy to think that you should pack everything and anything for your move, however, there are tons of things that you should never pack when moving! Why are there things that you cannot pack when moving with professional movers? There are rules and laws that professional movers have to abide by when they are moving anyone. These rules are in place to ensure that everyone, including the professional movers, are safe when moving.

What Should You Never Pack When Moving?

There are several things that are on the no-pack list when you are moving. It is important to remember what these items are so that you have no surprises when it comes to your moving day.

Here is a list of 50+ items that your movers are not going to move for you, as they can be hazardous to move!

  1. Paint
  2. Charcoal
  3. Motor oil
  4. Kerosene
  5. Anti-freeze
  6. Fireworks
  7. Solvents
  8. SCUBA Tanks
  9. Pool chemicals
  10. Muriatic acid
  11. Pesticides
  12. Weedkiller
  13. Nitric acid
  14. Cleaning supplies
  15. Batteries with acid
  16. Bleach
  17. Living plants
  18. Guns and ammunition
  19. Perishable food
  20. Ammonia
  21. Pets (yes, we have to include that, there are companies that transport pets for you)
  22. Acids
  23. Car batteries or lawnmower batteries
  24. Fire extinguisher
  25. Nail polish remover
  26. Poisons of any kind
  27. Lamp oil
  28. Chemistry sets (even a kids chemistry set)
  29. Matches
  30. Darkroom chemicals
  31. Laptops
  32. Sterno
  33. Fertilizer
  34. Nail polish
  35. Gasoline
  36. Propane tanks
  37. Paint thinner
  38. Pain thinner
  39. Aerosols
  40. Lighter fluid

There are also some things that you may want to move on your own rather than letting the professionals handle this if only for your peace of mind that is not really considered dangerous. These items include:

  1. Jewelry
  2. Checkbooks
  3. Cash
  4. Financial statements
  5. Keys
  6. Medications
  7. Cell phones
  8. Tablets and other electronics
  9. Medical records
  10. Family heirlooms or other irreplaceable items
  11. Photos
  12. Airline tickets
  13. Important documents like your birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.

If you have items that you question whether or not to pack for your professional movers, we are here to answer your questions. If you have booked a move with American Moving and have these types of questions, reach out to us as we want to ensure that your move is stress-free!

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