Moving Insurance Explained: Everything You Need to Know

May 29, 2024

Moving Insurance Explained: Everything You Need to Knowa grey background with a white square and a black square

When it comes to long distance moving, one of the most important considerations is ensuring that your belongings are protected. Whether you're relocating across town or across the country, understanding moving insurance will help you manage your move better. At American Moving & Storage, a full-service moving company based in Denver, Colorado, we strive to make your move as seamless and stress-free as possible. Let’s dive into the key aspects of moving insurance to help you protect your items effectively.

Why Moving Insurance Matters

Importance of Moving Insurance

Moving insurance might seem like an extra cost, but it offers peace of mind. Imagine having your precious heirlooms or expensive electronics damaged. Moving insurance helps cover the cost of repairs or replacement, ensuring you're not left with unexpected expenses.

Common Risks During Moving

Even with the best movers, accidents can happen. Here are some common risks:

  • Accidents and mishandling: Items can get dropped or mishandled.
  • Weather-related damages: Rain or snow can damage belongings.
  • Theft or loss of items: Misplacement or theft can occur during the process.

What is Moving Insurance?

Definition of Moving Insurance

Moving insurance is a type of protection that covers your belongings during a move. It's crucial to know that it differs from homeowner’s or renter’s insurance.

Difference Between Valuation and Insurance

Many people confuse valuation with insurance:

  • Valuation: This is the moving company's own protection plan and usually offers basic coverage.
  • Insurance: Purchased through an insurance company, it provides more comprehensive coverage.

Types of Moving Insurance

Basic Carrier Liability (Released Value Protection)

Basic Carrier Liability is the minimal protection option:

  • Coverage of about 60 cents per pound per item
  • No additional cost but very limited coverage

Full Value Protection

Full Value Protection offers more extensive coverage:

  • Covers the cost to repair, replace, or refund the item's current market value
  • Typically costs 1% of the total value of goods

Third-Party Insurance

Sometimes your best bet is Third-Party Insurance:

  • Additional protection over what your moving company offers
  • Variety of plans to cover specific needs

Coverage Details

What’s Typically Covered

Commonly Covered Items include:

  • Furniture
  • Electronics
  • Kitchenware

Common Exclusions

Items Not Covered:

  • Valuable documents
  • Cash
  • Jewelry

Limits on Coverage

Coverage Limits:

  • Maximum limits on high-value items like antiques
  • Requires separate documentation for items of higher value

How Much Does Moving Insurance Cost?

Factors Affecting Cost

Various elements influence the cost of moving insurance:

  • Value of belongings
  • Distance of the move
  • Type of insurance chosen

Average Price Range

Typical costs for moving insurance range:

  • Basic coverage: Free
  • Full Value Protection: 1% of the total value of your items
  • Third-Party Insurance: Varies depending on the provider

Cost Comparison

Comparing Costs:

  • Basic Carrier Liability: Limited but free
  • Full Value Protection: Comprehensive for a fee
  • Third-Party: Tailored coverage for varying costs

How to Choose the Right Moving Insurance

Assessing the Value of Your Belongings

Evaluate Your Items:

  • Make a detailed inventory
  • Note down high-value items separately

Comparing Different Insurance Policies

Analyze Available Policies:

  • Read policy details
  • Compare costs and coverage levels

Checking the Reputation of Insurance Providers

Choosing Reliable Providers:

  • Look for customer reviews
  • Check ratings on reputable sites

How to Purchase Moving Insurance

Steps to Buy Moving Insurance Through a Moving Company

  • Contact the moving company for options.
  • Review the policy details provided by them.
  • Purchase the coverage when you book the move.

Steps to Buy Third-Party Moving Insurance

  • Research third-party providers.
  • Compare quotes and coverage options.
  • Purchase a policy that meets your needs.

Important Documents Needed

Gather the Necessary Documents:

  • Inventory list
  • Receipts of high-value items
  • Photos of belongings

Filing a Claim

Steps to File a Moving Insurance Claim

  • Report the damage to the moving company.
  • File a claim form with the insurance provider.
  • Submit documentation (photos, receipts).

Documentation Required for Claims

Necessary Documentation:

  • Claim form
  • Proof of value (receipts, appraisals)
  • Photos of the damage

Timelines and Processes

Expected Timelines:

  • Initial reporting: Within a few days after moving
  • Claim processing: Varies, typically a few weeks

FAQs About Moving Insurance

Is Moving Insurance Mandatory?

Is it Required?:

  • No, but highly recommended
  • Most companies offer basic coverage for free

Does Renters or Homeowners Insurance Cover Moving?

Insurance Coverage:

  • Sometimes, but usually limited
  • Good idea to buy separate moving insurance for full protection

What If I Pack My Own Boxes?


  • Insurance might not cover damage to items you packed yourself
  • Check policy details before self-packing

Tips for Maximizing Your Moving Insurance

Preparing an Inventory List

Creating an Inventory:

  • List all items
  • Note their condition and value

Taking Photos of Valuable Items


  • Take clear photos of high-value items
  • Store photos safely

Keeping All Receipts and Documentation

Maintaining Records:

  • Keep receipts in one place
  • Store them digitally and physically

Real-life Case Studies

Examples of Claims and Settlements

  • Furniture Damage: Claim settled at replacement cost
  • Electronics Lost: Full value returned after documentation

Lessons Learned from Others’ Experiences

Key Takeaways:

  • Always check the fine print
  • Document everything before the move

Making Your Move with Confidence with American Moving & Storage

At American Moving & Storage, your peace of mind is our priority. Whether you need basic coverage or comprehensive protection, mastering the details of moving insurance helps ensure a smooth, worry-free move. Our full-service moving company in Denver, Colorado, stands ready to assist you with every aspect of your move, from understanding insurance options to safely transporting your treasured belongings. Choose us for an unparalleled moving experience, and let’s make your next move your best move!

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