How to Create a Business Moving Plan

June 7, 2021

How to Create a Business Moving Plana grey background with a white square and a black square

Moving your business to a new location is super stressful and there is a ton that goes into making this work. The importance of a business moving plan cannot be overstated it is a must-have!

How to Create a Business Moving Plan

Once you know that you are moving locations, then it is time to start planning a business moving plan. Remember, the more planned this move is, the better you will find the entire process. If you work with American Moving for your business move, you will find that we help to remove a lot of the stress of this move, including giving you guidance on the business moving plan!

1. What is your timeline?

You must know your timeline for this move. What day do you need to be out of the current space? What day can you move into your new space? Knowing these dates is going to help you determine what date you really need for the professional movers to arrive and get to work.

2. Have you designed the new space yet?

If you have seen the new space and know that this is where your business will be, have you taken the time to set out how items will be placed into this new space. This is a way to make it easier to unpack into your new office, which will help you get back to work even sooner.

3. Have you schedule the movers?

This needs to be done asap! And that is why it is mentioned in the step to plan out your timeline. The sooner you call, the better as this ensures that you get the moving date that you truly need.

4. Do you have rental items in your office?

If you have rented desks, chairs, office equipment, or the like, is this going with you or not? You will find that rental equipment is one item that may not go with you. Thus, you will need to contact who you are leasing this from and have them get this out of the way.

5. Inform employees of the move

Make sure that the employees are aware of this upcoming business move. When you inform employees, you can also make certain that they know their responsibilities for this move. For example, removing personal items from their desk before these are moved.

Extra Tips for your Business Move

For those who are making their business moving plan, be sure that you take these tips into consideration as it can make the business move that much easier!

  • Be sure to set a date for when customers will be informed about this move.
  • Have a date for getting new business cards, signs for the move, and even updating your website and social media sites.
  • Consider having employees taking over certain aspects of the move rather than focusing on their normal business duties to make this move smoother.
  • Choose a moving date that is not going to affect your business as much.

A business move is not something to take lightly. It requires a lot of planning to ensure that this is not a disaster. American Moving is here to help you with your business move so that some of the stress is moved to our shoulders!

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