6 Fun Facts About Moving

September 27, 2021

6 Fun Facts About Movinga grey background with a white square and a black square

When you think of moving, the term “fun” often doesn’t come to mind. However, there are tons of facts about moving that often surprise people. So, for a little entertainment, be sure to check out these fun facts about moving!

1. How long does a move take? The average move takes over 6 hours! This makes sense as it takes time to pack your belongings, and then time for your professional movers to move these items onto the moving truck and take this to your new home.

2. Moving is considered one of the most stressful events in a person’s life. It is even ranked higher than the death of a loved one or getting fired from your employment. This means that moving is super stressful!

3. The number one reason for moving is to relocate for family reasons. This may mean the addition of a new family member or even being closer to certain family members.

4. What is the most popular day to move? Friday! This day is often the end of the workweek, giving you the entire weekend to get your new home in order, so it makes sense that Friday is the most popular day to move.

5. Fun fact, a lot of moves, around 46% of these, are going to be those who are staying in the same county as they are in, just moving into a larger home or a new neighborhood.

6. The average American is going to move around 11 times in their lifetime! Do you fit into this category?

While these are some great fun facts about moving, when it comes to the actual move, it is normal to feel some trepidation, anxiety, and stress from this move. After all, it is one of the top stressors that a person can deal with. The key to managing this is to work with the right professionals. American Moving are those professionals to work with! Whether you decide to move on a Friday or a Monday, during the busy season or not, 25 miles down the road or across the state, we can get it done for you!

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