4 Essential Ideas to Help You Stage Your House

August 27, 2020

4 Essential Ideas to Help You Stage Your Housea grey background with a white square and a black square
moving home staging services

Home staging today is considered a very essential process for anyone wanting to put their home up for sale on the US market. Experts believe that a well-stage home can fetch up to 5% to 20% more money than a house that is empty or has not been properly staged.

So without further ado, let’s take a quick look at some of the best practices for effective house staging:

  1. Consult with your realtor on what items to keep and what to put into storage. Good home staging is all about appearances, and you’ll want to only highlight pieces of furniture and appliances that will look their best when a client comes to visit.
  2. Avoid showcasing personal items. Since home buyers typically try to envision the living area as their own, you’ll want to avoid keeping any personal items around that would influence their ability to properly visualize the home in such a way.
  3. It should go without saying that good home staging will depend on how clean and clutter-free your home is, since most buyers will not appreciate being shown into an untidy living space.
  4. Finally, make sure you focus on making the living space look and feel fresh. Adding a few plants and decoration items into the right areas will make all the difference in the world in these terms.  After your home sells, be sure to schedule moving services Denver has to do the heavy work.
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